Monday, June 6, 2016

The Cast Party!

This year at our cast party for the Spring pageant, almost everyone in the play came! It was at our house instead of at the gym like last time. First we ate hot dogs and chips and cookies, and then we all piled on the bean bags in the basement to watch the play on the projector. It was fun and everybody knew everybody else lines, and so we were doing the whole play in unison! The middle school kids went on a kayaking trip to one of the rivers while we watched because Mama said they could and they had already seen it a bunch of times. They didn't get back for a few hours. After we were done watching, we all went outside and swam in the lake. It was the first time we swam in the lake for the fun of it! Dada got rid of most of the seaweed and there is sand about four feet out from the rocks. We also had a water balloon fight, curtesy of Squishy and his birthday, and I got hit in the head from a foot away by all of the boys. We also jumped on the trampoline and after everybody else left we built forts and had a nerf war with the Well's boys. Chuggy and I got to ride on Mr. Evart's boat while Dada, Mr. Everts, and Mr. Wells wake surfed. It was a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Kivi Wivi,
    It sounds like it was a fun day! And it sounds like summer has come to Lakewood, Washington! I can't wait to come and go water skiing with you! I hear you guys are really enjoying the kayaks that you got for Easter. I want to try that too. I love you soooooooooooooooooooooo much!
