Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Berg's Star Party!

On Saturday Berg turned six and we celebrated with a star party! We hung stars everywhere and put glow in the dark star stickers on all of the walls. During the party Joli found a dead catfish floating in the water under The Bush and tried to catch it with her bare hand, but it was to slipery and got away. Then she used a Chinese food to go thing and we showed all of the adults, who suggested cooking it up and eating it for dinner (which we didn't do)! We also bought Berg a pinata because Eben didn't finish the one he was making by the night before. We all lined up from shortest to tallest to hit it but it wasn't the strongest thing and only about five kids into it the pinata broke. We had fun hitting the remains, and for all of the other kids that didn't get a turn before Joli and I kept the pinata line moving after dinner. We made sure that everyone got a turn before we let Carl do it- in two blows the cardboard had literally exploded. Instead of a cake Berg wanted cobbler, but it didn't work out and we bought cheese cake and pies. We had a ninja star making and throwing contest for the adults, and I forgot who won. I think Mr. Schock made the most stars. Cute little Squish has had lots of fun party's, and personally I liked his marshmallow party the best, though this one was super fun too.

1 comment:

  1. Kivi Wivi,
    I'm so glad you blogged about Berg's Star birthday party because I wondered how it went. Sounds like the dead fish was an exciting highlight, along with the weak pinata and strong Carl. Do I know Carl? I will have to make Berg a cobbler when we come in July. I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
