Friday, May 13, 2016

The Ducklings are Back!

Every year in spring, we see the ducklings. Because we live on a lake, we see a lot of them. Most of the time they are brown, but on the old lake we saw a few that were adopted by another duck who were yellow. Unfortunately, because of their bright yellow fluff all but one were soon targeted and eaten by eagles (which we had three of). The brown ones are just as good though and have been the only kind we have seen so far at this house. Every year at spring, I make this goal to catch a duckling. I never really succeed, but I've spent hours trying. This year I told Eben that I would give him a free trip to Mexico if he can catch me one. He has til' the end of summer, but I don't think he will be able to do it, especially since they won't be ducklings for much longer. This year we also named two ducks Felicity and Joe, and they came up for a while and we fed them. Now they have nine ducklings who swim by twice a day with Felicity, which is nice because then we can see them more often. They are also growing like grass, they get bigger every day. I can't wait for next year when they return, with their kids.

1 comment:

  1. Kivi Wivi,
    How very sad that the yellow color attracts eagles to the poor little ducks. I guess life in the animal kingdom can be tough huh? I'll be looking forward to you showing me Felicity and Joe when we come in July. I can't wait to see you because I love you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
