Wednesday, December 11, 2013
For the past couple weeks in our school, we have been in Madagascar. We have been reading books, watching movies, writing reports, and making timelines. We also had to learn about an animal from Madagascar. Since there are so many animals, that wasn't hard! I chose the tomato frog. When it is scared, it puffs up like a balloon. Here is a poem I made up about Madagascar: In Madagascar they make lots of baskets baskets, baskets made out of straw. In Madagascar they have a big market big market, huge market, totally outside. In Madagascar they sit on woven mats, woven mats to eat their food. Their favorite holiday is the new year season, new year season, the new year season, in Madagascar they like the new year season, that is their favorite holiday. It took me a few days to figure out what to write (it was due on friday), because all the good poems had been taken already. But I persevered. Madagascar isn't as interesting as some of the other countries that we have been to, but it still has some interesting things. Like one of Their holidays, they take their ancestors out of the tombs and then throw them a party! They invite everyone in the neighbor hood over and people talk to the ancestors, they dance with the ancestors, and when they are done, they wrap the ancestor in new white silk. ( This Party only happens when ever a family can afford it, which they try to do every year, but it usually ends up being every seven years, because 95% of Madagascar is poor.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
My Awana Goal
My goal for Awana is very big. To get it I will have to get through T&T, and the Treck books and the Middle school books and the College books and then I will be able to get it. I have already got through all of the cubbie books and sparky books and all the special pins. ( Look at my Awana blog for info on my sparks) My goal is to get the Citation award when I am nine or ten. I am going to have to work during the summer and say them on Sundays. It will be realy hard but I think I can do it. So far I am going prety well, I think. It has only been a few weeks and Ia am on the second T&T book! I realy need help doing it but If I work realy hard I might be able to do it. One of the parts that might be hard is encouregeing the other kids that are my age but are not as far as me. If I say my verses on sunday I won't get my awards right away. When I finish a book I will get a new book, but I will have to wait until the new awana year to get my awards. It feels good to acomplish a Awana task, like finishing a discovery or a book. You remember how hard you worked for it. I ran out of things to say. Bye!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Eben's Birthday
Eben just had his birthday a few days ago. It was a minecraft party. Minecraft is a computer game that he plays at computer clubhouse. Eben's cake was a minecraft block. The main grass one. Eben wanted to have his party at Intel, so we did. We had it in the game room and the computer room. It was a realy fun party . One game was almost all the games. First Eben separated us into groups. My group had Grace, Julia, Jana, Mr. Shock, Skye, Pella and me. Each team got a minecraft block. We had to do all these things. One of them was jumping up and down five times, one was spelling Eben on minecraft, one was making five holes on minnie golf and I think the last one was climbing 20 steps on the climbing wall. Oh, wait there was also making three baskets on the basket ball hoop. You also had to make a pingpong ball go back and forth four times with out it falling. My team had a hard time doing that. Every time you completed a task, you got a starburst. If the creeper, Mama, got your mine craft block, you lost a starburst and had to do a task again. When we lost ours, we chose to do mini golf again. Another team lost theirs, and they just did the jump up and down one. I think they won. Eben's birthday was really fun. I spent most of my time in the massage chairs and the gym/ game room. The massage chairs really squeezed my legs, it felt like it was going to squeeze my legs off. For me it was like a friend reunion. My favorite part was the first time I went into the massage chairs, and when we first got here. Eben had a really fun Birthday, but I also like typing this blog! Bye!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
My Wakeboard Trick with Dada
My trick with Dada happens on our wake boards. We go at the same time with two ropes. I get up really easily, but I have to wait until Dada is up before I can get up. If I don't I will fall and then we have to wait an even longer time to go. After we are both up, I cross under Dada. He can do little jumps, and I just go along as if it is only me wake boarding. I can try to do little jumps, but that is for when I am by myself. If I do jump, I will probably crash in to Dada and get really hurt. When we land, I have to stay in the middle while Dada leans way out. If I lean out, I will hit Dada and probably die. Dada lets go first then I do. Once I ran into the dock. Once Eben almost did, but our boards save us. That is me and Dada's trick. Bye!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
I love all blogs. There are different types of blogs. There are cooking blogs and personal blogs. There are big blogs and little blogs. Most blogs look how there owners likes them. Like my brother Eben's blog. He has fish with a background of a computer mouse. The background of my actual blog is owls, I like owls. ( I would have done pigs, but there weren't any.) All blogs say things. I am running out of things to say. So now I am just going to write. Once apon a time there was a little blog. Every day it got a new post. And two days after it got a new post it always got a comment. Then one day in the middle of the summer, the blog's owner stopped writing new posts it was forgotten except for a comment from a stranger every once in a while. That went on until one day in late fall, the owner of the blog did a post. But it wash't like the ones that the owner had done before it was more grown up.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
I will start with trees. Trees are very helpful to our planet. They clean the air. Trees give us food. The coconut palm gives us coconuts, the apple tree gives us apples, the mango tree gives us mangoes and so on. Ferns look pretty and some times make great hiding places, and can shade things. Leaves look pretty in Fall, and on paper and forts. Grass is good to roll in and is nice and soft to play sports. It is also good to have picnics on. Flowers are very pretty in gardens and can look pretty on a table. Wood is a really good use for building furniture and boats. Water falls are a really good place for animals to drink and bathe. A lake is good for swimming and boating and can have lots of fish in them. Dirt is very uses full and is used for growing almost any thing. It is good for building dams and if you dry it out is is good for building houses. Animals give us food and little ones can feed other things which can feed other things which feed us. Some animals clean up after us and some are just pretty to look at.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
My favorites
( These are going to be ALL my favorites.) I will start with foods. My favorite vegetable is broccoli. My favorite fruit is pomegranate . My favorite dessert is blackberry cobbler. My favorite junk food is french fries. My favorite sport is running. My favorite water sport is wake boarding. My favorite people are every one. My favorite parents are my parents. My favorite things to read are any library books Mama brings home, and the Bible. My favorite god is God. My favorite time I go to church is for
Awana. My favorite baby is Pella. My favorite blanket is the big red on the out side and white on the inside one. My favorite place to sleep is on a air mattress on the roof of a houseboat at lake shasta. My favorite chair is the one we call " the Dada chair.'' My favorite place to build a fort is right in the middle of the living room. My favorite show is curious Gorge. My favorite tree to climb is the one right in front of our house. My favorite duck is Ivy, who was yellow when she was a duckling. Most ducklings are brown. My favorite thing to ride is a horse . My favorite fish are Fluffles and Volga. ( Andrea).
That is all I can type for today. My schedule is busy. Bye!
( My favorite thing on the computer is my blog.)
Friday, September 20, 2013
My Fish, Fluffles
My fish is a tiny male guppy. I am planning on getting some females, but I have to wait until a weekend because I don't have any free time in my schedule . I learned a lot about fish when I first went to the pet store. Things like Goldfish don't have stomachs, or that guppies can't live with goldfish. Then a couple days later we went to the Vanderpoles house to bring them dinner and eat with them. They had guppies to, but they putt them in a tank with other fish and the other fish ate the guppies, because they forgot to feed them. Before they ate them though, they learned some things, like the store people told them to have 3 females, or eltse the male guppies would kill them. So they got 3 females and brought them home. They had babies but the male and females ate them. Then the male killed them and the other fish ate them. They still have the male guppy some where, but I couldn't find him. Back to my fish. I got him about 2 or 3 weeks ago. His tank is filtered and has bubbles that come out from the bottom and it changes color. It has a little plastic plant and four live plants. Only two live plants are growing. it also has about and inch of gravel at the bottom. He lives in a one gallon tank. My fish's name is Fluffles. he is half and inch long. His tale is light green in the middle, pink on top and red on the bottom. His biggest fear is bubbles, so I have to unplug them when it is time to feed him. His favorite hiding spot is behind the huge filter. ( It takes up almost half of his tank) . Fluffles only eats when kids are looking at him. Fluffles is a really good fish.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
My Grandparents
Grandma and Grandpa are, like most Grandparents, really nice. Every time they come, or we come, they have food ready. Sometimes they bring us to really fun places! Once they took me to the zoo for my birthday. They live here in WA. Nonnie and Poppie live in CA. They have a pool and a little dog named Codie. They also take us places. They took me to Sea world for my Birthday. Poppie likes to invent stuff. Once he made a flying chair and tested it out on my aunt Dodie. Nonnie likes to watter ski. Grandpa likes to garden and Grandma likes to go to the beach a lot. I love my Grandparents. We are going to CA tonight. It takes a night and a day to get there. We leave at 2.00 in the morning. We will see Grandma and Grandpa somewhere around when we are celebrating my birthday.
Friday, June 21, 2013
My Chick
My chick's name is White Tip. She is black with little white tips at the back of her wings. White Tip is really nice and cuddly. She likes to get out of the coop. Though last night, she learned her lesson of getting out of the coop. Well, last night Mama woke up and herd a strange sound coming from the chicken coop. So she got out of bed and got her boots on and went outside. Then she went into the coop. She saw this big lump that was laying on a piece of wood outside the coop. It was about a foot and a half. It slowly got off the piece of wood and started walking towards the little stone steps Mama made with a chick in it's mouth! It was a raccoon carrying White Tip in it's teeth! Right after it reached the stairs Mama scared it away, leaving White Tip behind. White Tip was really lame, so Mama thought she was dead. Mama was going to leave White Tip there and throw her away in the morning, but then the raccoon came back, and picked White Tip up again, but White Tip made a little noise, so Mama scared the raccoon away again, and put White Tip in the coop. All the big chickens were in the coop, but only De out of the chicks was there. So Mama started looking for the other chicks. First she found Lucy, wandering around in circles in our neighbor's back yard, so she put her in the coop. Then she found Emo up in a tree. She looked everywhere but couldn't find the other chicks, Chicky Tail and Bullet. She figured the raccoon had all ready gotten them, so she went back to bed. This morning Mama went out to the chicken coop again to check on White Tip, and Bullet and Chicky Tail were waiting at the gate to be let in! Mama let them in, then went over and opened up the hatch where we get eggs, and White Tip was walking around! At breakfast this morning Mama told us this story. In the middle of breakfast Mama took me to see White Tip. She was resting in one of the nesting boxes and her feathers were going up, so she was breathing. Mama held up her wing and showed me White Tip's cut, which was really long and deep. The raccoon had made it when he held her. I came back ten minutes later to put medicine on her cut. Then we went back inside. I really hope White Tip will live.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
My Abraham Lincoln Movie
Click her to watch my Abraham Lincoln Movie, from when he was a child, to an adult.
Our Chickens
Our Chickens are really noisy. Especially in the morning when I like to sleep in. Sometimes when they lay eggs they sit on to of each other. They stopped doing it a long time ago, but just the other day I saw them doing it! It was frier tuck on the bottom and Puff on the top.( Puff is Mama's black and white chicken and frier tuck is Dada and Bergs brown one.) We have 8 big chickens and 6 little chicks. Thats 14 chickens in all. I am going to name all of our chickens now. I am going to tell them in whose they are in our family order. First there is Puff, Mama's first chicken, then there is Rocky, her second one. Then there is Frier Tuck, Dada's chicken. After that, there is Tiny Two, Eben's first chicken, and Emo, his second chicken. Then there is Dotty, my first chicken, and white tip, my second chicken. ( I named Dotty after the dot on her head and white tip because there are a little bit of white on each wing.) Next there is Jay Jay, Jasper's chicken and Bullet, his other one. Opal named her chickens Poky and Lucy. Berg shares Frier tuck with Dada because when we got Frier he was just a baby. Though he also has Chicky tail. Pella, when we asked her what she wanted to name her chicken, she happily replied'' De'' so that is the name of her chicken. The sweetest of the chickens is Emo and the one that pecks the most is Frier tuck. The nicest chickens of the big chickens are Puff, Moony and Rocky. The nicest of the chicks is Emo. The other chicks peck all around in a circle when they are in your hand.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Some times I love school, but sometimes I don't. I like school sometimes because it just, well, feels good to get it done and I look forward to it. I don't like it because sometimes it just feels like a big burden that I always have on my mind. A little voice inside me is always telling me: You have to do your school. Except I always have to do other things on my schedule. Then, when it is time to do math, it takes me forever to do my math, and I never have time to do the other things on my list, so sometimes if I want to get all the things on my list done before Friday, I have to use up my free time doing school. I am using up my free time right now to do my blog. Some times my school list looks long, but its actually small. Sometimes my school list looks short, but the things in it are really long. I usally worry if there is a report on my school list. My free time is almost over, so, I am going outside. Bye!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Great Wolf Lodge!…Again!
I like Great Wolf Lodge. This is Jasper and Opal on a jet ski.
There is a big bucket that pours 1,000 gallons of water! I stood under it with Dada and Jasper.
There is also an umbrella. This is me being soaked by the sides of the umbrella by the wave pool.
This is our family at the water park.
We got the wolf den! We had to share bunks because there was only one bunk bed.
This time at Great Wolf Lodge I was able to go on the Tornado! Eben and Dada always get off the tube before me. We went for our Christmas present.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
India is very interesting. I like it a lot. At first I didn't like it, but now I do. I didn't like it before because I had to write a lot of reports, like my one on Mother Teresa. I also didn't like it because of all the books I had to read. One thing I like about it is the food. I liked the naan and how we had to eat with our hands. Every meal had naan. Except I don't know how the kids can stay awake as long as they do! And why are the boys more important than the girls! OK, I know why. The boys take care of the parents when they get old. I am going to end my blog now, so, good bye!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
What we have learned in India so far
While we were in India, ( we are still in India) we did a lot of things.
First, we dressed up the boys. We dressed them up because in some parts of India they do in to scare away the evil spirits. Eben and Jasper were matching, but we did not have a third matching dress for Berg.
The food was also pretty interesting. We had to eat it with our fingers because there are no forks in India.
We also made naan. Eben preferred the un messy things, that left me with the messy things, like mixing the dough with my hands.
At job time, opal was the laundry girl. She'd do the laundry normally, than when she took them out of the dryer, she'd hang them up to dry again. ( The laundry was still a little wet.)
We also did henna, on our hands and feet. Okay, maybe only I got it on the feet, but… you got the point. This is Eben's hand.
These are my henna feet.
This is Jasper's lightning henna hand.
This is Mama doing Opal's hand.
Nonnie taut us chess. There was also a little dutch boy named Jasper that learned with us.
We had tea time too. I liked it a lot.

In India, kids have dinner at 8 or 11 a clock! Me and Eben did that. We slept in the next morning. I almost fell a sleep. Mama almost did to.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
January is really fun. I keep thinking it is spring, but it is actually still winter. It never snows in December, but it always snows in January. I don't think it is going to snow. It snowed a little bit this year, but not enough to go sledding. The Shocks took us sledding on Mount Rainier. I wish that our lake could freeze. I like winter, but I also like summer. Fall and Spring are nice, but its not really hot or really cold. If it does snow I want to build another igloo. At Leavenworth we built a snow man. It was mini, about the size of Berg. I'm going to end my blog now, so good bye!
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