While we were in India, ( we are still in India) we did a lot of things.
First, we dressed up the boys. We dressed them up because in some parts of India they do in to scare away the evil spirits. Eben and Jasper were matching, but we did not have a third matching dress for Berg.
The food was also pretty interesting. We had to eat it with our fingers because there are no forks in India.
We also made naan. Eben preferred the un messy things, that left me with the messy things, like mixing the dough with my hands.
At job time, opal was the laundry girl. She'd do the laundry normally, than when she took them out of the dryer, she'd hang them up to dry again. ( The laundry was still a little wet.)
We also did henna, on our hands and feet. Okay, maybe only I got it on the feet, but… you got the point. This is Eben's hand.
These are my henna feet.
This is Jasper's lightning henna hand.
This is Mama doing Opal's hand.
Nonnie taut us chess. There was also a little dutch boy named Jasper that learned with us.
We had tea time too. I liked it a lot.

In India, kids have dinner at 8 or 11 a clock! Me and Eben did that. We slept in the next morning. I almost fell a sleep. Mama almost did to.