Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Missing Child

Once there was a brown haired girl. She lived in a large family.There were nine kids in it. She was the 4th child. One day when her family was eating their pb & j sandwiches at the park, the girl decided to take her lunch to another part of the park. She asked and got permission. The park was surrounded with forest. The girl went to the forest. She spotted a black rabbit. She followed it deep into the forest. Back at the picnic, her family was getting ready to leave. Her mother started to call for her. '' Anna, time to leave!'' she called. No answer. Back in the forest, Anna started to wonder how deep into the forest she was. She looked around. Nothing but a tiny spring and couple of bunnies nibbling on grass were there. She wondered if she could get back in time to leave. (She was a half mile from the picnic spot.)

                                       To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Kivi Wivi,
    Oh you are a good story writer. I am worried for Anna. Will she find her way back to her family? Or will she get eaten by hundreds of little black bunnies? Or will something worse happen to her? Anna should remember the buddy system next time so she doesn't get lost!!! And you should remember that I love you soooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
